
Bellicon - All categories in an overview (2)
The Swiss company has a many years experience in the developement of high-quality health products. Among others, especially elastic and dynamic rebounders, mini trampolines with special springs and a point-elastic spring mat, the Dynamic Rebound Methode have been developped. This methode allows a comprehensive health training, several seminars on the principle of subjective low demand, gentle health training, and the Kunhardt-methode.

The aim of Bellicon to allow all people an easy and motivating training for the healthy prevention. It results in the development of the highly elastic and dynamic trampolines Medi-Swing and belli-Swing. The soft swinging on these mini trampolines has a lot of positive effects on the whole body, always makes fun, and can be used by every one. You can compensate your lack of motion in a gentle way with Bellicon Medi-Swing or Bellicon belli-Swing - just try it and you will see it.
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